Alambik Craft Brandy

Alambik is a grape brandy, produced in small batches. It is aged in oak barrels anywhere between three to five years. We bottle it once we deem the balance between the youthful fruitiness and oak are just right.

We use a traditional Serbian copper pot still, which gives us the true essence of what our vineyards have produced in a particular year.

We see no use in aroma separators or fancy electronics. We rely on what our our grandfathers used to depend on: a slow and steady fire and a patient and attentive eye. It takes how long it takes, but there are no compromises regarding quality.


Taste-wise, Alambik can be compared to aged Italian grappa, but it is much more corpulent, leading some of us to claim it's actually closer to Armagnac.

No Alambik lot tastes the same as another one, as we use a mix of 13+ varieties as they come in a particular year. All, however, possess that, shall we say, muscular elegance. 


We minimize our impact on the environment by relying on locally sourced or previously used wood, and water from our very own well.